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California Hits 80pc Clean Energy Record

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 8 years ago

California has achieved a new renewable energy goal, producing 80pc of its total energy needs from clean and green energies. On one day alone, it managed to generate 67pc of its total power needs from renewable energy. When combined with hydropower, the total figure hit 80pc.

The state benefited from plenty of sunshine hours, a rise in solar facilities and full water reservoirs, which allowed its hydropower installations to run at full capacity. On 16th May, California also had another record for wind energy, generating just under 5,000 MW in a single day.

A spokesperson for the largest state utility, CISO, said that 2017 would see a number of records achieved, particular in solar energies.

San Francisco is also working towards a specific goal that its public transport system will be powered entirely by clean power by 2054. It is a state particularly hit by the effects of climate change and natural disasters, which include forest fires and droughts. However, it is already a leader in green power, and other cities in California are following too. For example, in Las Vegas, government and other public buildings are now entirely powered by renewable energy.

Meanwhile, in Chicago, all city buildings are going to be powered by renewables by 2025. Atlanta has gone one step further and has pledged to be entirely run on renewables by 2035. Hawaii is working to follow by 2045 and Massachusetts by 2035.

The progress is occurring despite attempts by President Trump to limit the progress of renewable energy technologies. Instead, he choosing to focus on fossil fuels. The National Park is one public organisation which has noticeably stopped sharing views and comments on social media about climate change.

Mr Trump has claimed that wind turbines are responsible for all golden eagle deaths in California.