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Is the UK Government Finally Waking Up to Renewables?

  • Publish Date: Posted about 3 years ago
  • Author: Steve Walia

​As the invasion of Ukraine begins to affect energy and fuel prices, there is hope that the UK government is finally waking up to the imperative for green energy. The drive is all the more important given the recent 'harshest warning yet' from scientists assessing the world's environmental crisis.


Kwasi Kwarteng, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, went online to lay out his vision of the UK's clean energy future. It was a notable interjection from the Business Secretary at a vital time. And Mr Kwarteng is joining some of the most influential experts and voices in Britain's energy industry to argue for a clean energy future.


However, the government must now back these calls up with clear action, investment and policy if intentions are to translate to meaningful change.


Nations across the EU are ramping up their efforts to create a low-carbon future, and businesses have been affected by changes at home. Shell and BP divested in Rosneft and Gazprom only this week, adding to energy uncertainty of supply and fuelling gas prices.


Yes, the UK has its own North Sea gas and oil supplies to mitigate energy insecurity - in theory - but much of this is exported at the highest price. And the UK has an issue with gas storage. Kwarteng is clear that fracking is not the answer, but he wants to see the transition from gas to be carefully planned and well executed so that customers do not face price shocks.

The UK has relied on North Sea fossil fuels for too long, but it must now get serious about clean and green renewable energy. And the ongoing crisis in Ukraine may just provide the vital impetus to invest in clean energy that Britain needs.